n follow up to our discussion of Quantum Healing at Soul Solutions, we created this guide to facilitate and guide people in healing past emotional charges with people, places, and things. This process is inspired by the work of Dr. John Demartini and the wisdom he shares at The Breakthrough Experience. For the complete process, please attend one of his live workshops.
To begin, choose someone you admire, someone you look up to, someone that you have put on an illusionary pedestal OR someone you resent, someone that has done you wrong, someone you have a strong emotional charge with.
Complete the following on this person:
Identify the traits which you admire and like the most about this person. (YES, even the people you resent.)
Identify the traits that you dislike and despise the most. (YES, even for the people you admire.)
Note: Identify the same number of traits for each. If you are completing this process on someone you despise and can think of 15 things you dislike, find 15 things you admire. If you are completing this process on someone you admire and can think of 20 things you admire, list 20 things you dislike.
For each of the traits you LIKE or ADMIRE complete the following:
For each of the traits you DISLIKE or DESPISE, complete the following:
You will know when you are done. You will be in a place of LOVE and GRATITUDE for the experience. Do not quit. KEEP LOOKING until you see the hidden order and feel the quantum shift in your perception from that of separation and contrast, to that of wholeness, order and intelligence.
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